Integration of virtual-real complex "Letok" into visual acuity training for special health group students


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Turmanidze1
PhD A.V. Titov1
A.A. Fomenko1
E.A. Vinogradova1
1Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk

Keywords: badminton, vision, myopia, SMG students.

Introduction. Tension and relaxation of muscle structures in the human body play an important role in the process of metabolism, saturate the surrounding organs with nutrients. At the same time, the visual analyzer needs regular stimulation of the ciliary muscle group, which is responsible for the refractive and accommodative abilities of the eye. Training of the visual apparatus is optimal when modeling badminton elements [1, 2].
The aim of the study is to experimentally test the effectiveness of the use of special game exercises on the virtual-real hardware complex "Letok" in the prevention of myopia of persons with disabilities.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experimental and control groups were formed from 32 SMG students with first-degree myopia at the age of 18.8±1.2 years. Diagnosis of visual acuity was performed with the help of D. A. Sivtsev's ophthalmological tables and pedagogical testing. Statistical analysis and interpretation of the results were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program.
The results of the study and their discussion. The initial visometry indicators recorded the average values of visual acuity in the studied groups at the level of V=0.516±0.06 with the best vision distance d=130 cm for both eyes. Pedagogical testing aimed at training the refractive and accommodative abilities of the visual apparatus, when implementing special exercises [3] on the hardware virtual-real complex (AVRK) "Letok", established successful markers at the level of 32.38±2.43 % with a correlation power level of 2.11±0.35. The final result showed a significant increase in the studied visometry indicators at the level of V=0.589±0.14 with the best vision distance d=140 cm for both eyes. Also,the parameters of pedagogical testing on AVRK "Letok" were increased to 56.22±1.27% with a significant increase in the correlation power to 3.20±0.15 (r0.7).
Conclusion. Correctional classes based on special exercises on the AVRK "Letok" with a frequency of 2 times a week for 45 minutes for 3 months contribute to the training of the ciliary muscle, which allows to improve the visual acuity of SMG students and, as a result, to improve the quality of their life in the educational environment.


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