Conceptual foundations of athlete’s physical fitness structuring


Dr. Hab., Professor Sh.Z. Khubbiev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pakholkova2
A.E. Zakharov2
1Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to search for approaches to structure athletes’ physical fitness as required by the competitive activity.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods applied were as follows: analysis and generalization – to identify the attitudes towards the formation of athletes’ physical fitness; structural and systemic analysis – to determine the structure and components of athletes’ physical fitness; "goal tree" method and conceptual modeling – to structure athletes’ physical fitness.
Results and conclusions. The authors showed that athletes’ physical fitness is a complex and multi-level structure of physical qualities, types (forms) of manifestation of these qualities, their complex forms, special physical qualities - peculiar manifestations of physical qualities and their complex forms during competitive activities. The conceptual basis for physical fitness structuring consists in the principle of priority of the competitive activity relative to sports training and principle of unity, interrelationship of the competitive activity and physical fitness structures, patterns of development of athletes’ physical abilities.
Therefore, the structural components of athletes’ physical fitness are overall and special physical fitness, as well as the basic and special physical qualities forming it. Physical fitness structuring is the formation of its structure. The overall and special physical fitness and its components are developed up to the required levels and shares with regard to the physical training tasks set in the annual sports training periods. The factor that determines the share of the overall and special physical fitness and its components is their increasing demand during competitive activities.

Keywords: physical training, physical fitness structuring, basic physical qualities, special physical qualities.


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