Ontokinesiological knowledgebase building professional physical training model for female police personnel


PhD O.S. Panova
Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation, Volgograd

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of an ontokinesiological knowledgebase building professional physical training model for female police personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Results and conclusions. The study analyzes a kinesiological resource and knowledgebase with its elements as the key progress factor for police personnel (of both sexes) training; gives a definition of ‘police officer’s kinesiological resource; categorizes and characterizes police officers by their kinesiological resource; and underlines the leading role of anthropic technologies in the kinesiological resource building process. Based on the study data, we offer a kinesiological resource knowledgebase building professional physical training model for police personnel as beneficial for the training process management efficiency.
The ontokinesiological resource knowledgebase building elements in the professional physical training service for female police personnel provide a sound framework for the professional physical training service design and management models for cadets and other groups of trainees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs education system as it makes it possible to effectively excel the service-specific motor skills and qualities on an age-specific basis.

Keywords: ontokinesiological approach, Ministry of Internal Affairs, female police personnel, physical fitness, adaptation, general physical fitness, special physical fitness.


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