Future physical education teacher: self-reliant professional progress agenda formation model


Dr.Hab., Professor V.N. Mezinov1
Associate Professor, PhD M.A. Zakharova1
Associate Professor, PhD I.A. Karpacheva1
Associate Professor, PhD I.B. Larina1
1Bunin Yelets State University

Objective of the study was to offer and experimentally test benefits of a future physical education teacher’s SRPP agenda building model recommended as complementary to the standard university physical education curricula.
Methods and structure of the study. The future physical education teacher’s self-reliant professional progress agenda may be interpreted as the self-activation process geared to secure spiritual and ethical development on an integrated basis, to attain new personality qualities for professional success. The future physical education teacher’s self-reliant professional progress agenda may be presented as composed of motivations, values and cognitive, operational and reflexive analyzing components. The new model testing experiment was run at Physical Education, Sports and Life Safety Institute of I.A. Bunin Yelets State University in 2016-2019. We sampled for the study the 2-4-year students (n=65). Progress in the model testing experiment was rated by the K. Zamfir's Teaching Motivations Test adapted by A. Rean; cognitive component rating test; operational component test; and the reflexive analyzing component test.
Results and conclusion. The physical education teacher’s self-reliant professional progress agenda formation service is recommended being based on the following organizational provisions: pedagogical support in the professional skills building process using an incentives and motivation system and a competitive environment; immersion of future physical education teachers in the self-reliant professional progress agenda formation process; involving students in joint creative activities to help them mobilize the personality and professional resource for progress; and due emphasis on the reflexive analyzing competencies building in the future physical education teachers for own progress rating and correction.

Keywords: personality, physical education teacher, self-reliant professional progress, self-fulfillment, self-reliant professional progress agenda.


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