Fitball gymnastics in rehabilitation of special health group students


PhD, Associate Professor S.P. Mikhailovsky1
M.M. Gromov1
A.I. Kovalenko1
1Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of the fitball gymnastics means and methods in physical education of special health group students.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" in the 2019/2020 academic year.
The study included: analysis of the documents on the state of the students’ health; development of a program to prevent postural abnormalities; educational experiment to assess the effectiveness of the physical education program using the fitball gymnastics means and methods and interactive physical education tools.
Results and conclusions. The study enabled to identify health problems typical of students attributed to the special health group. From this, we developed a physical training program intended to use the fitball gymnastics means and methods in physical education classes. The developed program formed the basis of the experiment, during which the students attended the physical education classes with the elements of fitball gymnastics and later chose fitball gymnastics as an elective course. The identified health problems in the special health group students enabled to select preventive measures and physical education tools with the elements of fitball gymnastics and substantiate their effectiveness within the Physical Education discipline.

Keywords: fitball gymnastics, special health group, physical education, physical culture, students, locomotor system, body posture.


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