Psychological features of interpersonal relations between university physical education teachers


PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Skrygin1
PhD A.L. Yurchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Nikishin1
PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Anurov1
1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the origin and patterns of development of aggression, as well as identify the correlation between perfectionism and aggression in working relationships.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted at the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation and involved 53 athletes: 2 - WCMS; 17 - MS; 20 - CMS; and 16 – athletes of III, II, and I categories. The sample included 25 males and 28 females aged 25-65 years. The methods applied were as follows: sociological survey (P.L. Hewitt and G.L. Flett’s methodology); "Types of Aggression" questionnaire by L.G. Pochebut; mathematical statistics methods.
Results and conclusions. The dominating quality of neuroticism of employees is perfectionism of two types: "self-addressed" perfectionism and "addressed" perfectionism. The first group of perfectionists comprised 37.7% of respondents with a high level of "addressed" affirmations for perfectionism. The second group comprised 62.3% of respondents with a high level of "self-addressed" perfectionism. There was a statistically significant correlation of verbal and physical aggression with the indicators of "addressed" perfectionism. The identified relationship between the two types of perfectionism and verbal, physical, mental, and emotional aggression makes it possible to develop measures to eliminate manifestations of aggression in working relationships and improve the quality of psychological relationships of physical education teachers.

Keywords: physical education, teachers, verbal aggression, physical aggression, mental aggression, emotional aggression.


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