Sports training process organization and management


PhD D.G. Stepyko1
D.V. Gracheva1
G.V. Lurye2
Y.O. Averyasova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Center of sports training of national teams of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to design a unified sports training program for different sports based on the principle of compliance with the Federal Sports Training Standard.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, the Federal Sports Training Standard, and other sources, as well as the sports training programs (a total of 25) for various sports. The analysis enabled to identify the main trends in the formation of the sports training programs, their scientific validity, and conformity with the Federal Sports Training Standard.
Results and conclusions.  Currently, there are two key documents regulating the sport-specific training process organization and management: Federal Sports Training Standard and sports training program. The analysis of different sports training programs revealed that they used outdated data not customizable to modern sports trends and in contradiction with the Federal Sports Training Standard. This makes it difficult to plan the most effective sports training process. We developed a sport-specific training program template and scientifically substantiated approaches to its structure and content.
For us it seems appropriate to use the findings in various physical education and sports institutions (sports schools, sports schools of Olympic reserves, sports training centers, Olympic training centers, etc.) to develop sport-specific training programs.

Keywords: sports training, sports reserve, sports training program.


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