Landscape physical education and sports infrastructure as form of socially-oriented development of territories


PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Terentyev1, 2
Dr. Hab., Professor L.A. Rapoport1
PhD I.Y. Vaganova2
E.Y. Obukhova1
1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg
2Regional center for development of physical culture and sports with karate sports training department, Yekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to identify the specific features of the mechanism of formation of the landscape physical education and sports infrastructure as a form of socially-oriented development of the territories.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods used during the study were as follows: analysis, synthesis, comparison, description. The approaches to the architectural and infrastructural development of the territories of inhabited locality in terms of urbanization. Based on the learned material, it was proposed to view the landscape infrastructure in the context of physical education and sports and achievement of goals of the national project "Demography".
Results and conclusions. The landscape infrastructure of physical education and sports is positioned as a spatial-functional environment simulated in accordance with the principles of ecological safety, safety, functionality, and interdepartmental interaction. In addition to the infrastructural objectives, the proposed approach aims to form a new system of values, develop the ecosystem of the mass physical culture and sports, and expand the functionality of the sports infrastructure facilities and their acquisition of the status of social attractors that integrate various forms of social activity.

Keywords: landscape infrastructure, ecosystem of physical education and sports courses, sustainable development, «Sport - Norm of Life», strategic development.


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