Multiple use of physical education means and methods to reduce entropy of sars-cov-2


Dr. Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoriev1
M.M. Gromov2
A.I. Kovalenko2
1Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to improve the quality of life, health and activity of students in different phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic through a modular program of physical rehabilitation implemented within the elective physical education course.
Methods and structure of the study. The comprehensive analysis, along with the analysis of the educational portals, Internet sites and methodical literature, included the assessment of the students' physical development, health and motor activity, as well as the application of the modular physical rehabilitation program during the elective physical education classes. In different phases of the pandemic, 620 students were examined (boys and girls aged 18.1±0.4 years). The sample was divided into four groups: Group 1 (n=490) was made of the students from the main department; Group 2 (n=82) – those from the preparatory department; Group 3 (n=42) – those from the special health group; Group 4 – those with health limitations (n=6). The "Life Quality" scales – SF-36 were used to monitor the state of health. Load tolerance was determined by the dynamics of PWC170, MBV, SV, HR, BP, basic cycle length R-R, overall metabolism. The psychomotor state and general alertness were rated based on the dynamics of changes in such visual-motor reactions as SMT, RMO, WAM, T-tmax. The studies were carried out on the basis of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The statistical data processing was made using the STATISTICA 6.0 software package.
Results and conclusions. The study found a correlation relationship between the elective physical education courses, increased daily motor activity and energy consumption, and improved life quality in different phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Step-by-step mastery of the content of the modular program of physical rehabilitation protects students from unpredictable situations caused by the pandemic. The efficiency of the rehabilitation program was proved by the achievement of the verified level of the functional state, activity and motor test results.

Keywords: alertness, hypokinesia, crisis, lockdown, fluctuations.


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