Diversification of educational activities of higher physical culture institutions


Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor S.I. Rosenko2
Dr.Sc.Econ., Professor D.N.Verzilin2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Lesgaft National State University of  Physical Education, Sport and Health, Saint-Petersburg

Objective of the study was to determine the vector of development of the system of training of sports personnel in terms of diversification of physical education.
Results and conclusions. The key vector of development of the educational activities of higher institutions of physical culture is the diversification of the educational programs implemented within a multi-level system of education (Bachelor-Master). The new programs are aimed to train specialists that provide managerial, legal, informational, service, and diplomatic support to the physical culture and sports sector. Depending on the direction and level of training and in accordance with the professional standards, graduates are highly sought after in the state and municipal sports governing bodies, sports organizations, federations and clubs, sports media, sporting goods manufacturers as directors, managers, business unit supervisors, sports editors, journalists, correspondents, reviewers, assistants, scoutmen, coaches, etc. These processes determine the new structure of the system of higher education in the sphere of physical culture and sports and the variability of the educational services provided, thus developing qualitatively new human resources of the sector.

Keywords: higher vocational education, educational program, physical education, sports.


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