State of regulatory mechanisms and body component composition of female students trained under sportization programs


Dr. Biol., Associate Professor A.A. Govorukhina1
K.A. Mushtai1
S.V. Kolomiets1
Dr. Med., Associate Professor O.A. Malkov1
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to assess the state of the regulatory mechanisms and body composition indicators of the female students trained under the sportization programs.
Methods and structure of the study. The article presents the results of study of the autonomic regulation mechanisms and body component composition of 118 female students of non-sports faculties of the Surgut State Pedagogical University, who were trained under the selected sportization programs during the year: body conditioning course with the elements of track and field athletics, volleyball, and artistic gymnastics. The subjects’ heart rate variability was studied using the "VNS-Spectrum" hardware and software complex. The body component composition was studied using the "Tanita BC-730" analyzer. The statistical data processing was made using the STATISTICA 10.0 software package.
Results of the study and conclusions. It was found that trainings under one of the sportization programs during the year affected the subjects’ body composition indicators and vegetative regulation rates. In the group of female students who had chosen the body conditioning course with the elements of track and field athletics, there was observed an increase in the spectrum power of the high frequency component of the heart rate variability, a decrease in the body fat percentage, and a reduction of the biological age. In the female students engaged in volleyball, the total spectrum power increased at the cost of increased spectrum power of the low- and very low frequency components, a decrease in the indices of centralization and activation of the subcortical centers. Those involved in the artistic gymnastics did not have any significant changes in the heart rate variability indices, but were found to a reduction of the body fat mass. It was found that trainings under the sportization programs during the year had different effects on the parameters of the autonomic nervous system.

Keywords: students, heart rate variability, body component composition, sportization.


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