Peculiarities of formation of anaerobic energy supply at various stages of sport ontogenesis


PhD A.I. Golovachev1
Dr.Biol. T.F. Abramova1
Dr.Biol., PhD B.A. Dyshko2
PhD S.V. Shirokova3
1FRC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow
2LLC "Sport Technology" Sports Engineering Association, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the peculiarities of formation of the functional capabilities of the lactic acid energy system and the maximal anaerobic performance of racing skiers at various stages of age-specific development and sport ontogenesis.
Methods and structure of the study. A total of 696 male skiers took part in the experiment: age – 11-27 years, training experience – 3-20 years, sports qualification – from Class II to Honored Masters of Sport. The subjects were asked to perform a 60-second muscular work of maximal intensity – "all-out" – on the cycle ergometer "Monark" (Sweden) with the load resistance set according to their age as per the WHO recommendations - 0.64 H per 1 kg of body weight, thus forming a range of 1.5 to 5 estimated coefficients.
As part of the study, the following parameters were registered: cadence; load resistance rate, which provided the calculation of the external mechanical power; blood lactate concentrations before, after and at the 3rd min of recovery; heart rate. The data recorded formed the basis for the study of the ratio of the developed mechanical power to the activity of the lactic acid energy system at various stages of age-specific development and sport ontogenesis.
Results of the study and conclusions. It was found that the development of the lactic acid energy system is most active in the age period from 11-12 to 17-18 years, corresponds to the puberty level, is associated with the achievement of definitive values and peak level and termination of the growth processes. The formation of the readiness for self-realization lasts until the age of 19-22, when the regulatory mechanisms are finally formed, and is shown in the established balance between the increase in the absolute working capacity rate and total body sizes. Later development of the maximum anaerobic glycolytic capacity is determined by the dependence not only on the level of formation of the lactic acid energy system but also on the level of the structural-functional organization of muscular activity, where the integral part belongs to the level of formation of the oxidizing system.

Keywords: sport ontogenesis, age variability, annual growth rate, maximal blood lactate concentration, readiness for realization, anaerobic glycolytic performance, racing skiers.


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