Morphofunctional changes in left ventricle function in athletes under different training modes


Dr.Hab., Professor V.F. Kostychenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.Kh. Talibov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.D. Zverev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Surkov1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to detect the physiological mechanisms and patterns of morphofunctional changes in the left ventricle function in athletes at different training modes, as well as after competitions.
Methods and structure of the study. The linear and volume measurements of the heart, evaluation of the state of the valve apparatus were made using the method of echocardiography using "Acuson-Sequoia" device. The left ventricular wall thickness and cavity dimensions were measured in M-mode. We determined the left ventricular dimension, left ventricular myocardium mass (LVMM) and left ventricular myocardium mass index (LVMMI), that is, its ratio to the area. We also calculated the left ventricular sphericity index (the ratio of its transverse dimension to its length) and left ventricular relative wall thickness index (the ratio of the posterior wall double thickness in diastole to the end-diastolic dimension). In addition, the stroke volume, time of myocardial fiber shortening in the circumferential direction as a criterion of its contractile function was measured. Sampled for the study were athletes with different sports qualifications.
Results and conclusions. The differences in workloads by volume, duration, intensity, and specificity are reflected in the dynamics of echocardiographic indicators. From the presented material on the cardiovascular system response to extreme loads, it is initial echocardiographic indicators and their dynamics that are of particular importance. After extreme loads, the main echocardiographic indicators in the well-trained athletes approached their reference values by the 15th min of recovery, and by the 30th min several indicators slightly decreased as compared to the baseline. This response should be seen as an adequate reaction to extreme loads, which causes considerable tension of the mechanisms of adaptation.

Keywords: physiology, echocardiography, heart, tension, left ventricle.


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