Digitalization of statistical reporting in physical education and sports sector


PhD G.V. Bogomolov1
PhD S.B. Eroshkina1
PhD V.A. Furaev1
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow, Russia

Objective of the study was a systematic review of digitalization of statistical data collection and processing in the physical education and sports domain in light of the pertinent legal provisions.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were used during the study: analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on statistical recording and system of government statistics; analysis of the statistical recording data in the physical education and sports domain. We studied Report Forms No. 1-PE, 3-APE, and 5-PE, as well as the initial and integrated reporting forms for the 2015-2019 period.
Results and conclusions. Under the legislation in place, the procedure of the statistical data collection and processing, ranging from organizations to the federal executive authority in the physical education and sports sphere was examined. The main problems and shortcomings of the existing data collection model were described. Also, suggestions were made on the alternative version of data collection and processing with the use of modern information systems. The authors conclude that the implementation of the proposed activities aimed to digitize the data collection and processing procedure in the physical education and sports domain would significantly improve the efficiency of data collection, including the reduction of the collection time, and data processing, enhance the significance of the statistical data, and application of the analysis and forecasting techniques to further revise the existing strategic documents and make management decisions.

Keywords: statistical reporting, Statistics Report Form No. 1-PE, 3-APE, 5-PE.


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