Skeletal muscle relaxation to improve athletes’ physical working capacity


PhD, Associate Professor S.P. Zavitaev1
Dr. Biol., Professor Yu.P. Denisenko2
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Naboichenko1
K.A. Velikanov1
1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg
2Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Naberezhnye Chelny

Keywords: adaptation, relaxation characteristics, athletes, functional state, sports result.

Background. Modern sports are characterized by a steady increase in the volume and intensity of training and competitive loads. This necessitates the search for and introduction into practice of more effective organizational forms, tools and methods of the educational and training process aimed to improve the physical working capacity of athletes [3, 6-8].

Thus, many studies revealed a positive effect of special muscular relaxation exercises on the central nervous system, visceral organs and system performance, formation of rational blood circulation types, coordination of movements, speed, endurance, technical skill, improvement of special working capacity and sports results in a wide range of sports activities [1, 2, 5-7]. Of particular importance, in our view, are studies proving the crucial role of the arbitrary relaxation rate of the skeletal muscles in the mechanisms of immediate and long-term adaptation of the body of athletes to extreme conditions or factors [6, 7].

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of skeletal muscle relaxation on athletes' physical fitness levels.

Methods and structure of the study. The computer polymyography method was used to study the mechanisms of regulation and coordination of arbitrary movements, control of the contraction and relaxation characteristics of the skeletal muscles, functional state of the central nervous and neuromuscular systems, developed by Yu.V. Vysochin [2]. This method is based on the synchronous graphic recording of the bioelectrical activity of the electromyogram, strength (dynamogram), transverse muscle tone (tonogram) of different muscle groups during the arbitrary tension and relaxation in the isometric mode.

The experiment involved the football and hockey players of the children and youth sports schools of Naberezhnye Chelny, Yekaterinburg, and Chelyabinsk.

The battery of tests included: 15 m run from standing start (15 cm), 15 m run with flying start (15 cm), 30 m run from standing start (30 cm), standing triple jump (3 cm), and 5x70 m shuttle run.

The polymyographic study was conducted once and the tests - thrice at the preparatory stage of the educational and training process.

Given the leading role of the muscle relaxation rate in the dynamics of sports results and levels of sports qualification, all subjects were split into two groups according to the arbitrary relaxation rate. Group 1 included the athletes with the high muscle relaxation rate, and Group 2 - with the low muscle relaxation rate. Even though the athletes were grouped based on one parameter only, significant intergroup differences were observed in a number of other parameters.

Results and discussion. The athletes from Group 1 (p<0.001) surpassed those from Group 2 not only by the arbitrary relaxation rate, but also by the speed of development and intensity of inhibitory processes, balance between the nervous processes, general functional state of the central nervous system, general functional state of the muscles, classification index of the type of adaptation, integral indicator of the central nervous and neuromuscular systems functionality, overall efficiency of the bodily systems, forecast of sports success, as well as the capacity of work on the cycle ergometer. The injury rate characterizing the likelihood of injuries and musculoskeletal diseases was significantly lower in Group 1.

Similar patterns were observed in each of the three educational tests, as well as in the average results of all three tests (see Table 1).

Table 1. Dynamics of changes in test results at the preparatory training stage of athletes with high (Group 1) and low (Group 2) muscle relaxation rate


Group 1 (16)

Group 2 (11)

Significance of differences








Average result in three tests

V15 cm








V15 cm








V30 cm








V5*70 m








Triple jump cm








The athletes with the high muscle relaxation rate (Group 1) considerably surpassed those athletes with the low muscle relaxation rate (Group 2) in all tests, except for the 15 m run from the standing start (1st test) and 15 m run with flying start (2nd test). The most significant differences between the groups were found in the 3rd test and in terms of the average result in all three tests. This indicates that the arbitrary muscle relaxation rate has a significant impact on the speed abilities of athletes, as measured by the results of the 15 m and 30 m run tests, on their speed endurance, as measured by the 5x70 m shuttle run test, and on their speed-strength qualities, as measured by the standing triple jump test.

Of particular attention is the dynamics of changes in the test results and their deviations (in percentage) from the average group data (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Dynamics of changes in test results at the preparatory stage of the annual educational and training cycle

As the figure illustrates, in Group 1 (high muscle relaxation rate),a progressive improvement was observed in all tests results, which indicated rather high efficiency of the training process. At the same time, the Group 2 (low muscle relaxation rate) subjects demonstrated an equally progressive deterioration in all test results, which, on the contrary, testified to the low efficiency of the training process. But this was the same team, working on the same plans and performing the same training loads.

We assume that this was due to the specific characteristics of physical fitness and functional state of the athletes from these groups and, above all, the levels of development of the muscle relaxation rate rather than due to the organization of the training process itself.

Сonclusion. The athletes with the high muscle relaxation rate (Group 1), who could tolerate heavy physical loads, were able to endure the tense preparatory period and entered the competitive season in the excellent shape. For the athletes with the low muscle relaxation rate (Group 2), the same physical load turned out to be excessive, which was shown in the progressive deterioration of the professionally important athletic qualities. It is safe to assume that the entire competitive period will be more intense and less successful for Group 2 athletes.

Consequently, an integrated relaxation training system applied makes it possible to achieve the best end results simultaneously in terms of all efficiency and adaptation criteria: high levels of energy cost efficiency, speed of the recovery processes, physical and psycho-emotional stress tolerance, physical development and technical skills, as well as to preserve health and long sports career of athletes.


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  2. Vysochin Yu.V., Lukoyanov V.V. Active muscle relaxation and self-regulation in sports. Lesgaft SPbSAPC publ, 1997. 85 p.
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Objective of the study was to determine the effects of skeletal muscle relaxation on athletes' physical fitness levels.

Methods and structure of the study. The research method applied for the study purposes was computer polymyography developed by Yu.V. Vysochin. The experiment involved the football and hockey players of the children and youth sports schools of Naberezhnye Chelny, Yekaterinburg, and Chelyabinsk. The battery of tests included: 15 m run from standing start (15 cm), 15 m run with flying start (15 cm), 30 m run from standing start (30 cm), standing triple jump (3 cm), and 5x70 m shuttle run.

All the participants of the experiment were divided into two groups depending on the muscle relaxation rate. Group 1 included the athletes with the high muscle relaxation rate and Group 2 - with the low muscle relaxation rate.

Results and conclusions. The athletes with the high muscle relaxation rate (Group 1), who could tolerate heavy physical loads, were able to endure the tense preparatory period and entered the competitive season in excellent shape. For the athletes with the low muscle relaxation rate (Group 2), the same physical load turned out to be excessive, which was shown in the progressive deterioration of the professionally important athletic qualities.

Consequently, the application of an integrated relaxation training system makes it possible to achieve the best end results simultaneously in terms of all efficiency and adaptation criteria: high levels of energy cost efficiency, speed of the recovery processes, physical and psycho-emotional stress tolerance, physical development and technical skills, as well as the preservation of the health and long sports career of athletes.