Effectiveness of distance learning under elective physical education and sport disciplines in context of coronavirus disease prevention


PhD, Associate Professor L.Yu. Averina1
N.A. Bannikova1
Associate Professor G.S. Kozhanov1
1Kuban State University, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to determine the role of distance learning under the elective physical education and sport disciplines during the spread of the coronavirus disease in the further development of the electronic learning resources used by students irrespective of their health level or place of residence.
Methods and structure of the study. The remote education system with the use of the digital technologies powered by Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Moodle was implemented in Kuban State University from March through June 2020. It made it possible to remotely provide full educational services. We developed an online teaching technique for students with different social backgrounds, living conditions, and technical capabilities, as well as different health levels.
Results and conclusions. The article presents the experience of implementation of this discipline program based on the Microsoft Teams online platform, which includes not only lectures with visual representation and videoconferencing that provide interactivity and knowledge transfer but also practical sessions with the use of project-based learning technologies and work in small groups to acquire practical skills and develop competencies, as well as video materials aimed to develop the students' physical fitness and maintain it at a proper level. The study proved the benefits of distance learning in terms of self-isolation. We were able to identify a range of problems related to distance learning at university, determine the degree of the students’ satisfaction with their online education, as well as substantiate the effectiveness of distance learning under the elective physical education and sport disciplines during the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and introduction of digital technologies.

Keywords: physical education, sports, university, students, distance learning, self-isolation, Microsoft Teams platform, digital technologies.


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