Effective deep water exercises to be used during elementary swimming training


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Korichko1
I.A. Bilalov1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk

Objective of the study was to identify effective water familiarization exercises in deep water.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 35 children aged 6-7 years, who were initially unable to hold on water. At the first stage of swimming training, the trainees were offered various types of water familiarization exercises. An expert evaluation method was used to identify the most effective elementary swimming exercises in deep water (those that had been mastered by at least 80% of children).
Results and conclusions. Elementary swimming training in deep water should be carried out using the most appropriate exercises, while observing the principle of increasing difficulty: at first - holding on to a fixed support and using supporting means, then - performing more complex unsupported exercises.
The degree of mastering of the proposed exercises to a greater extent depends on how appropriately the coach places the emphasis on the most important swimming elements. It was theoretically substantiated that water familiarization exercises are to be performed in the following sequence: submersion practices to learn how to swim in and hold on water in a horizontal position; exercises to acquire the skill of correct breathing; exercises to learn how to skim the surface.

Keywords: deep water, elementary swimming training, exercises, focus.


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