Rhythmic gymnastics routine design in view of variability of physical load


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor T.A. Martirosova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor M.G. Yanova2
E.D. Kondrashova1
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk
2Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the research was to substantiate the improvement of the speed-strength training of female rhythmic gymnasts based on variability of physical exercises when performing jumping movements.
Research methods and structure. The authors determined that one of the indicators of successful competitive performance of rhythmic gymnasts is the improvement of speed-strength qualities, which form the gymnast's speed-strength fitness and ensure the height of jumps in the performed routine. Thus the gymnast’s routine should be designed in view of variability of physical loads, i.e. by defining optimal combinations of elements (dance steps, turns, jumps, waves, acrobatic elements) in the structure of main movements.
Results of the study and conclusions. Exercises characterized by high-intensity lower limb muscle contractions were used as the main means to improve speed-strength fitness of the female gymnasts: various types of jumps (athletics, gymnastic, etc.), high-speed cyclic movements, a number of high-intensity movements in various games performed in a short period of time (jumping, acceleration), etc. Exercises of both integral and local impact were geared to train leg strength of the gymnasts. In addition, the means for improving the speed-strength fitness of the gymnasts included those that act selectively, purposefully and strengthen particular muscles or muscle groups of the legs under a relatively low load on the entire body with one or two limbs involved.

Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, speed-strength fitness, special working capacity, jumps, routine.


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