Enhancing motor expressiveness in professional practical physical training process of future actors


Associate Professor G.P. Chernyavsky1
Associate Professor Yu.V. Melnikova1
Dr.Hab., Professor N.A. Fomina1
1Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture, Volgograd

Keywords: professional and applied physical training of an actor, motor expressiveness.

Introduction. Modern drama theater dictates its own requirements for the physical form of the actor [1]. The performer must have a sufficiently high level of endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination, and the ability to perform complex motor actions that are often associated with risk, including elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, and dancing. In this regard, the content of professional and applied physical training of students-future actors should have pronounced features.
The purpose of the study is to identify the content and orientation of professional and applied physical training of students of the theater Department of the University of arts and culture.
Methodology and organization of the study. Questioning and interviewing veterans, active professionals, students of the University of culture and fans of the acting profession in Volgograd. The total number of respondents was 40.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the results of the survey, 30% of respondents considered endurance to be the most important physical quality of an actor, 21 % and 19 % preferred agility and flexibility, 17% and 13 % - strength and speed. At the same time, 75% of respondents give priority to the development of expressive movements, even if this negatively affects the technique, which 22.5% need to improve.
The majority of survey participants (90 %) consider the subject "Stage movement" to be the closest to the future profession of the listed physical and motor disciplines. Plastic expressiveness is also preferred by 90 % of respondents. 60 % of respondents to the question: "are you Interested in the content of physical education lessons?» - they give the answer "not very". At the same time, 30% of respondents see the need to pay special attention to physical and motor disciplines when mastering the acting profession, which are second only to the main subject "Acting skills" (37.5 %). 75 % of respondents note that they freely use simple types of movements to solve acting tasks. However, only 12.5 % note the actor's motor plasticity as an important means of expressing their thoughts and emotions, while 55 % highlight other components of acting. Less than half (45 %) of respondents consider plastic studies to be the most effective means of developing motor expressiveness, 27.5% allocate funds for musical and motor training (rhythmic gymnastics of a story-role nature), the remaining 27.5%-dances and dance aerobics.
Conclusion. The main means for the development of motor expressiveness are musical and motor education (rhythmic gymnastics complexes of a story-role nature, dances, dance types of aerobics) and plastic studies.


  1. Torgashov V. N. Deficit of actor's plastic culture the problem of modern actor's education / V. N. Torgashov // Scientific notes of the Oryol state University. Series: Humanities and social Sciences, 2013, no. 4, Pp. 387-389.

Information for contacting the author: grichanja@mail.ru