Master student training for methodological support of physical development of preschoolers using case technologies


PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Andrianova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.I. Karabaeva1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Keywords: master's degree, methodological support of physical development of preschool children, case technology.

Introduction. During the period of professional education at the University, there is a need to ensure the readiness of future methodologists for innovative methodological activities in the field of child health.
The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of case technologies on the readiness of undergraduates to provide methodological support for the physical development of preschool children in pre-school education.
Methodology and organization of the study. 38 undergraduates of the full-time master's program "organization of preschool education"took part in the work. An anonymous questionnaire was used.
The results of the study and their discussion. It was found that 42.1 % of undergraduates do not have a complete understanding of the case technology, interest and need to organize methodological support for the development and implementation of case technology in health-saving work with preschoolers; 50 % have some knowledge about the case technology, self-learners did not apply to the study of this issue, in educational work due to ignorance and lack of training, case technologies were not used, 7.9% are familiar with case technologies, there are attempts to include them in the work, there is an interest in studying the issue. The results obtained are explained by the fact that, despite the practical orientation, case technologies have not yet been widely used and developed in the preschool education system.
The content of work with undergraduates was focused on eliminating professional unpreparedness and was carried out in stages. The first stage included theoretical training of undergraduates on the development and use of case technologies in preschool education. At the second stage, undergraduates were trained to create cases on the physical development of children that can be used in preschool educational practice (photo cases, dramatization cases, cases-on the contrary, etc.) and mastered the method of teaching preschoolers to work with cases based on the use of conditional symbols [1]. The third stage was associated with the design of methodological assistance to teachers in mastering case technologies for the physical development of preschool children (creating methodological products, designing and conducting business games, etc.).
After mastering the discipline, the indicators of readiness of undergraduates for methodological support of physical development of preschool children through case technologies significantly improved: the number of undergraduates actively using cases increased by 23.6% (31.5 % vs. 7.9 %), 13.2 % – interested and partially proficient in technology (63.2% vs. 50%), and the number of uninformed and passive students decreased almost 8 times (42.1% vs. 5.3%).
Conclusions. Analyzing the process of mastering professional competencies related to methodological support of physical development of preschool children in preschool education, the quality of case tasks, the degree of interest and involvement of undergraduates, we can conclude about the effectiveness of case technologies for the formation of methodological competence of undergraduates in the field of physical development of preschool children.


  1. Case technologies as a way to form a safety culture for preschool children: method. textbook / group of authors under the General editorship of L. F. Dyakonova, I. E. Granadinas. - Tolyatti, 2017. - 65 p.

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