Benefits of Chinese qigong gymnastics for physical fitness and mental health of special health group students


Postgraduate student Yatsun Zhang1
Dr. Med. T.A. Shilko1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the Chinese Qigong gymnastics introduced in the content of the Physical Education and Sports discipline for special health group students.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment was conducted in Tomsk State University. Sampled for the experiment were 76 female students attributed to the special health group, who attended physical education classes within the Physical Education and Sports discipline. They were randomly divided into the Experimental and Control Groups. The Control Group subjects were trained in accordance with the current academic curriculum and training methods, while the Experimental Group underwent the Chinese Qigong (Ba Duan Jin) gymnastics course.
Results and conclusions. After the educational experiment, we found a statistically significant improvement of the coordination skills, flexibility, and leg strength in the Experimental Group as opposed to the Control Group. The female students practicing the Chinese Qigong gymnastics demonstrated a significant improvement in their psychological and emotional state. For example, SOM, OS, DEP, ANX, and PHOB decreased in the Experimental Group females as compared to the Control Group ones (p<0.05). It should be noted that INT, HOS, PAR, and PSY decreased in the Experimental Group, too (p>0.05).
The results of the experiment showed that the Chinese Qigong gymnastics had a positive effect on the health of the female students of the special health group and contributed to the improvement of their physical fitness (improved coordination and muscle strength) and mental health rates (SOM, OS, DEPANX, and PHOB).

Keywords: Qigong gymnastics, female students, physical fitness, psycho-emotional state.


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