Comparison of power systems of elite biathlonists in competitive activities at World Cup stage


Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Sivakov1
Senior teacher E.R. Antonova1
Senior teacher K.S. Stepanov1
Senior teacher M.M. Stepanova1
Senior teacher О.B. Nikolskaya1
1South Ural State University of Humanities and Education, Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was the comparison of the power systems and rehabilitation processes in biathlon sprint at the World Cup stage.  
Methods and structure of the study. We applied the method of quantum evaluation of the power and functional statuses of the biathlonists. Successful competitive performance of the athletes was assessed based on the power system coloration after a 1-minute application of the quantum method determining the functional status, rehabilitation process, power system level, and forecasting of the competitive result.
Results and conclusions. We identified the reaction of the functional and color power system to missed shots. There was a high correlation between the biathlonists' functional fitness level and coloration of their power system. In the selection of qualified biathlonists, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the red energy system coloration, which contributes to the effective recovery after competitive activity and successful competitive performance at the World Cup stages. The biathlonists' color power system was found to develop by power, while their functional system - through the energy centers of the spinal power system during the training and competitive activities.

Keywords: biathlonists, World Cup stage, quantum method, power system, functional status, competitive result.


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