Monitoring of physical fitness progress in males of second mature age during health-improving activities


S.I. Gavriliev1
Dr. Hab., Professor I.A. Cherkashin1, 2, 3
1Yakut State Agricultural Academy, Yakutsk
2North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
3Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to identify significant physical fitness tests for males of the second period of mature age during health-improving activities with the use of the elements of tennis.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy. Sampled for the study were 40 males aged 40-50 years (mature age 2) who attended health-improving classes with the use of the elements of tennis. The subjects' heart rate variability was analyzed using the rhythmocardiographic automated diagnostic complex "Cardio+". The men were tested for 5 minutes in a state of rest (in the morning). We also rated their overall and special physical fitness.
Results and conclusions. The coefficients of pair correlation between the physical fitness rates and the temporal, statistical, and spectral heart rate variability indices characterizing the functional state of the participants were determined. We identified 15 significant tests for assessing the overall and special physical fitness of males of the second mature age. The battery of tests to monitor overall physical fitness included 7 exercises: 60 m run, standing long jump, push-ups for 30 sec, 90° leg lifts in supine position, pull-ups on a high horizontal bar, standing bends forward on the bench, "falling ruler". The tests to monitor special physical fitness included: forehand and backhand shots, 4 kg medicine ball throws with both hands on the right, 4 kg medicine ball throws with both hands on the left, forehand shots against the wall, backhand shots against the wall, left topspins against the wall.

Keywords: health-improving activities, tennis, variational pulsometry, spectral analysis.


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