Role of adaptogens in adaptation processes in powerlifters


PhD R.M. Khabibullin1
PhD A.U. Bakirova1
A.Kh. Dashkin1
I.M. Khabibullin1
1Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa

Objective of the study was to analyze the adaptogenic properties of the maral root and pantocrin and the possibility of their use in athletic training of powerlifters in the preparatory period.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 21 male powerlifters of 17-22 years of age studying under the Bachelor's and Master's programs at Bashkir Agrarian University.
Results of the study and conclusions. We determined the adaptive capabilities and effective standards for the application of the above-mentioned adaptogens under heavy physical loads on all muscle groups. It was shown that the parenteral administration of the pantocrin and maral root tinctures improves the athletes' endurance and strength rates, reduces the recovery period after the training and competitive activities. These drugs were proved beneficial for the nervous system activity, in particular, for the motility and balance of the nervous processes, which helped the athletes master complex technical actions faster. At the physiological level, there was a slight increase in the hemoglobin level and an increase in the red blood cell count. All these changes were accompanied by the improvement of the main indicator of the functional state of the body - cardiorespiratory system functionality. Therefore, the use of the pantocrin and maral root tinctures contributes to the enhancement of the functional state of the body and strength abilities of athletes.

Keywords: natural stimulants, athletic training, powerlifting.


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