Vestibular tolerance and balancing abilities as mandatory attribute of coordination skills of volleyball players


Postgraduate student A.A. Rzhanov1
Postgraduate student E.N. Matrosova1
S.A. Tiguntsev2
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk

Objective of the present study was to substantiate the practical relevance of vestibular tolerance for the development of coordination skills of volleyball players.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the male volleyball players split into the Experimental and Control Groups, 12 people each. The Experimental Group subjects were trained to develop vestibular tolerance, while the Control Group ones were trained in the regular mode. The young males were tested before the experiment and during the 3-month training course. The subjects' vestibular balancing skills were rated in the tests of Yarotsky, Lozanov, and Baichenko.
The set of training means to develop the vestibular apparatus included the elements of acrobatics that were alternated with the running elements: rolls, turning leaps, rotations lying on the surface, other elements, which disturb the balance, and switches with short-term acceleration and change of the moving direction.
Conclusion. The knowledge about the regularities of the reflex mechanism of motor coordination and vestibulo-somatic reactions and their use in sports training will make it possible to increase the level of technical skills and the overall picture of technical actions in volleyball.

Keywords: sensorimotor coordination, vestibular tolerance, balancing abilities, vestibular apparatus, volleyball.


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