Comparative Analysis of Morphofunctional Indicators and Motor Abilities Rates in Female Students in Different Years of Study


Dr.Med., Associate Professor M.M. Kolokoltsev1
R.A. Ambartsumyan1
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Keywords: female students, morphofunctional indicators, body mass index, motor qualities, physical education.

Background. Weight deficit, overweight, or obesity can significantly affect man's somatic, physical, reproductive, and mental health, adversely impact his professional activity and reduce life expectancy [2]. Physical education plays an important role in health protection as a key factor in health promotion. The use of health and fitness technologies in the educational process, coupled with the correction of eating behavior, ensures the normalization of female students' body weight [4]. In this view, screening observations of the body weight characteristics and trends in their variation among females of reproductive age are relevant for the improvement of their physical education process.

Objective of the study was to determine trends in the morphofunctional indicators and motor qualities rates in female students in different years of study in order to improve the educational process aimed to correct their body weight.

Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were a total of 785 female students of Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Russia) in different years of study aged from 16.5 to 18 years: 387 subjects - in 2013, 398 subjects - in 2018. Based on their health condition, the girls were attributed to the 3rd functional group (special health group) and were trained twice a week under the "Elective physical education and sport course" program.

We evaluated the subjects' morphofunctional indicators using the standard methods (Anthropometric standards for nutritional growth and status assessment (2014) ( The following parameters were calculated: body-weight index by Ketle’s formula II (BMI=body weight/body length², kg/m²), Robinson index (IRob=HRxSBP: 100, c.u.), strength index (SI=wrist strength/body mass x100%). BMI was estimated according to the WHO classification (1999): weight deficit - BMI is less than 18.5 kg/m2; norm - BMI ranges within 18.5-24.99 kg/m2; overweight - BMI=25.0-29.9 kg/m2; obesity - BMI is above 30 kg/m2. During the same periods of observation, the female students were subjected to the following motor tests: 1,000 m run, min; 30 m run, sec; bent suspension, sec; sitting forward bents, cm; standing long jump, cm; push-ups, reps; sit-ups for 30 sec, reps. The testing did not infringe on the rights or endanger the well-being of the female students and was conducted in compliance with the relevant ethical and humanity provisions of the 2008 Helsinki Declaration.

Results and discussion. The comparative analysis of the anthropometric indicators of the female students in different years of study revealed differences only between the body mass rates (p<0.05), Table 1.

Table 1. Anthropometric and physiometric indicators of female students of Baikal region in different years of study (M±m)


2013 г.



2018 г.






Body length, cm




Body weight, kg




Chest circumference, cm




Systolic BP, mmHg




Diastolic BP, mmHg




HR (after 20 squats, beats/10 sec)

Before load




After load




HR recovery time after 20 squats, sec




Left hand dynamometry, kg




Right hand dynamometry, kg




Robinson index, c.u.




Left hand strength rate, %




Right hand strength rate , %




In 2018, the girls were found to have higher systolic blood pressure rates and Robinson index values, longer pulse recovery time after 20 squats in 30 seconds, lower left hand strength rates, and lower strength rates for both hands as compared to the results obtained in 2013. (p<0.05).

The number of girls with overweight and obesity grew in 2018 as compared to 2013 (Table 2). There is evidence in the specialized literature of the increasing number of body mass deviations from the globally accepted norm. In 2016, more than 39% of the world’s adult population were diagnosed with overweight and 13% - with obesity (WHO. Obesity and overweight. Fact sheet. (2018) (http:///, which is consistent with our findings. The reasons for these deviations are eating disorders, impaired hormonal balance and hypodynamia, which were observed in almost 37.0% of Russian men and 42.0% of Russian women (Interdepartmental strategy of formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases for the period up to 2025. - M., 2016. - p. 40. (http:/ /

In the Baikal region, the percentage of girls with overweight was higher by 2.2%, and those with obesity - by 2.7% than in Kemerovo, where overweight was found in 10.7% and obesity - in 4.8% of cases [5]. The number of girls with weight deficit exceeded that in Ufa by 11.4% [3] and that in Yaroslavl - by 3.9% [1].

Table 2. Distribution of female students of Baikal region in different years of study according to BMI


Year of observation

Body mass index (kg/m2)

Below 18.5




Weight deficit

Normal body weight



2013 (n=387)









2018 (n=398)









% of increase (+) or decrease (-) in the number of girls in 2018 versus 2013





Decreased heart function and impairment in strength abilities lead to the reduction of the motor test performance potential. The test results (Table 3) showed that the rates of the upper muscle strength, lower limb dynamic muscle strength and flexibility were higher in the girls tested in 2013 than in those tested in 2018 (p<0.05). The latter were found to have an increase in the duration of performance of the endurance test - 1,000 m run, a decrease in the number of sit-ups for 30 sec, and the number of push-up (p>0.05).

Table 3. Dynamics of changes in motor abilities rates of female students of Baikal region in different years of study (M±m)


2013 (September) n=387

2018 (September)



1,000 m run, min




30 m run, sec ⃰




Bent suspension, sec




Push-ups, reps




Sit-ups for 30 sec, reps




Sitting forward bents, cm




Standing long jump, cm




Note. ⃰  in "20 m run from standing start" test conducted in 2013

Our findings are consistent with the studies on the relationship between weight disorders and decreased physical working capacity in students of the Far Eastern Federal University of Russia [6], and motor abilities rates in students of the Volgograd region [7].

Conclusion. In 2018 versus 2013, the number of female students with overweight increased by 41.1%, the number of those with obesity - by 57.4%, while the number of girls with weight deficit decreased by 19.0%. The girls were found to have a deterioration in the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system and a decreased strength of both hands.

In the three motor tests to rate flexibility, upper limb muscle strength, and lower limb dynamic muscle strength, the results decreased statistically significantly. There was also a downward trend in other motor tests, which can be explained by increased hypodynamia, reduced motivation for physical activity, and eating disorders in modern youth.

Screening of the morphofunctional indicators and motor abilities rates in young people of different generations is an important information indicator of the dynamics of their physical development. The results of study of the physical condition and weight disorders in student youth guide physical education teachers to plan and organize remedial and rehabilitation classes. The female students diagnosed with overweight and obesity were recommended to perform low- and average-intensity exercises of prolonged aerobic nature. In case of weight deficit, they were to perform exercises aimed to develop proper strength abilities and anaerobic speed-strength loads.

The teaching staff of the Physical Education Department should pay particular attention to the results of annual monitoring of the female students' body weight. This makes it possible to start using the individually oriented health and fitness technologies in a timely manner. 


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The article contains a comparative analysis of the morphofunctional indicators and motor abilities rates in female students of the Baikal region (Russia) in different years of study.

Objective of the study was to determine trends in the morphofunctional indicators and motor abilities rates in female students in different years of study to improve the educational process aimed to correct their body weight. In 2013 and 2018, we examined a total of 785 1st-year female students of Irkutsk National Research Technical University. For health reasons, the girls were attributed to the 3rd functional group (special health group). In 2018, the female students were found to have a deterioration in the functional state of the cardiovascular system and impaired motor abilities; the number of females with overweight and obesity increased as compared to 2013. The female students diagnosed with overweight and obesity were recommended to perform low- and average-intensity exercises of prolonged aerobic nature in the main part of the training session. In case of weight deficit, they were to perform exercises aimed to develop proper strength abilities and anaerobic speed-strength loads. The findings make it possible to refine a plan of the individually oriented physical education lesson with a focus on normalization of the girls' body weight.