Sports terminology as key element of modern Yakut language


PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Vinokurova1
M.I. Vasilyeva1
M.V. Danilov1
1North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to determine the current state of sports terminology as a key element of the modern Yakut language.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied: descriptive, statistical, comparative methods, observation and questionnaire survey.
Results of the study and conclusions. According to the data obtained, students, coaches and physical education teachers prefer such sports as track and field athletics, volleyball, football, and swimming.
Knowledge of sports terms in the Yakut language. The respondents listed 14 sports terms in Yakutian, some of which were repeated: kuobakh - 39 times, mas tardyhyyta - 27 times, hapsagay - 20 times, etc. The percentages of sports terms in the Yakut language are as follows: kuobakh - 69.64%, kylyy - 55.35%, tustuu - 26.78%, mas tardyhyyta - 48.24%, buur - 30.35%, ataralystanyy - 3.57%, hapsagay - 35.71%, muye, madyny, tebilik, khomuur hapsagay, maamykta, naarta and tutum ergiyr - 1.78%. 64.28% of respondents did not use any sports terms in Yakutian in communication,"no" - "yes" - 3.57%, "it is easier to pronounce" - 3.57%, "it sounds better" - 3.57%, "yes, I use them" - 14.28%. 73.33% of respondents used the sports terms in the Yakut language during the training sessions; 26.66% did not. The questionnaire survey indicated more positive aspects of the use of sports terms in the Yakut language than negative. However, we believe that the results obtained represent only the beginning of a further in-depth study of Yakut sports terms.

Keywords: history of sport, sports terminology, national sports, folk games, modern Yakut language.


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