Actions to improve technical skills monitoring and rating system for elite female wrestlers


Dr.Hab., Professor, Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation B.I. Tarakanov1
Dr.Hab., Professor R.N. Apoyko1
PhD, Professor S.I. Petrov1
Postgraduate student, Olympic champion N.V. Vorobyeva1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify ways to improve the system of monitoring and rating of the sports-technical skills of highly qualified female wrestlers.
Methods and structure of the study. The baseline data were obtained during the analysis of the video recordings and record sheets of the 2018 Russian National Women’s Freestyle Wrestling Championship, which involved the country’s strongest female athletes in 10 weight categories (n=124). A total of 146 matches were analyzed to determine the most informative sports-technical indicators: total number of technical-tactical actions and points scored; group (by weight categories) and individual performance rates; average number of technical-tactical actions and points per bout and per minute; interval of a successful attack; average duration of the bout; tactical instrumentation and quality of performance of technical actions.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study made it possible to identify the most informative sports-technical indicators and on that basis develop a set of standards for these indicators taking into account only the country's champions' indicators accepted as benchmarks. The proposed method for implementing the system of monitoring and evaluation of the sports-technical skills of highly qualified female wrestlers makes it possible to specify the peculiarities of individual structures of competitive activity of each female athlete based on the analysis of cumulative estimates.

Keywords: monitoring, rating, female wrestler, sports-technical indicator, competitive activity, analysis, championship, system, structure, standard.


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