Model characteristics of strength of individual muscle groups of armwrestlers of different qualifications


I.A. Matyushenko1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Nikulin2
A.V. Antonov3
E.I. Nikulin2
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow
2Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to determine the model characteristics of strength of armwrestlers of different qualifications (on the example of the weight category up to 80 kg).
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 29 armwrestlers (aged 20-41 years), who were divided into three groups depending on their level of expertise. Group I (n=5) was made of the winners and medalists of the World and European Championships, having the title World Class Master of Sport of Russia. Group II (n=12) included the winners and medalists of the All-Russian competitions, Moscow Championships and Moscow University Championships. Group III was made of the athletes with up to one year’s experience (n=12). The athletes' maximum effort was registered in nine major anatomic movements of the topography of muscle strength using the tensodynamometry method. The indicators were recorded at the relevant point for making an effort with automatic estimation of the maximum strength.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study revealed a strong correlation between the values of the topography of muscle strength and sports achievements. The absence of statistically significant differences was established in the "shoulder extension" test only. There were no significant differences between the mid- and high-skilled groups in terms of wrist abduction, forearm supination, forearm flexion (neutral and supination positions), and forearm pronation. The main discriminatory features of armwrestlers' skills are as follows (in order of importance): wrist and finger strength; shoulder pronator strength;  strength in the highly technical movements: forearm supination and forearm pronation, wrist abduction; forearm flexor strength (neutral and supination positions). The shoulder extensor strength was not proved to be a discriminatory sign of mastery. The wrist flexor strength is the main limiting factor in the efficiency of force transmission and skill improvement in armwrestling.

Keywords: armwrestling, model characteristics, topography of muscle strength, arm muscle strength.


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