Gender-specific characteristics of daily physical activity in persons with visual and hearing impairments


Associate Professor, PhD M.N. Malkov1
Associate Professor, PhD I.E. Yudenko1
Prof., Dr.Biol. S.I. Loginov1
1Surgut state university, Surgut

Objective of the study was to analyze the peculiarities of manifestations of low physical activity and sedentary behavior of individuals with visual and hearing impairments.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the individuals with hearing (n=80, age - 26.0±2.92 years, 45% - women) and visual impairments (n=21, age - 43.2±14.0 years, 52.4% - women). The Control Group was made of the adults with no visual and hearing impairments (n=142, age 34.1±12.6 years, 54.8% - women). The subjects' physical activity was measured using the IPAQ questionnaire.
Results of the study and conclusions. It was found that the subjects with visual impairments spent more energy on physical activity related to housework, while those with hearing impairments were mostly engaged in leisure activities (p<0.05). The total time of sedentary behavior was greater in those with visual impairments than those with hearing impairments and healthy individuals (F(1.82)=4.3320, p=0.0405) and women (F(1.74)=9.4100, p=0.0030). In general, blind and deaf people are characterized by a lower level of overall physical activity than healthy people (p<0.05). There were no statistically significant gender-specific differences. The study revealed that in the examined sample, 82% of women and 80% of men with visual impairments were physically inactive and spent on average 8.4 hours per day sitting. Among the deaf subjects, there were those moderately active (58% and 25%), highly active (36% and 40%), the sedentary time was on average 5.7 hours per day.

Keywords: physical activity, IPAQ, sedentary behavior, visual impairments, hearing impairments, men and women.


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