Speed and speed-strength fitness of athletes specializing in various sports games


Dr.Hab., Dr.Phys.Ed.Sport, Professor I.G. Maksimenko1, 2
Dr.Hab. of Russia and Ukraine, Professor G.N. Maksimenko3
PhD, Associate Professor I.G. Komarova1
D.N. Baeva1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan
3Lugansk National Agrarian University, Lugansk

Objective of the study was to substantiate and conduct a comparative analysis of the speed and speed-strength qualities of athletes specializing in various sports games at the stages of sport mastery excellence from III category to Masters of Sport.
Methods and structure of the study. For the study purposes, we tested 128 volleyball players, 136 basketball players, 127 goalball players, 140 football players and 118 rugby players qualified from III category to Master of Sport. The following methods were applied during the study: theoretical analysis; pedagogical observations; testing; mathematical statistics methods.
Results and discussion. The experiment enabled to determine the quantitative indicators of the speed and speed-strength preparedness of volleyball players, basketball players, goalball players, football players and rugby players with different skill levels. Thus, advanced training (I category - Master of Sport) in football was accompanied by a significant increase in the speed-strength rates in the "Counter movement jump" test: 55±0.96; 60.1±0.69; 64.5±0.78 cm. It was found that Masters of Sport in football (3.91±0.01 sec) and goalball (4.18±0.02 sec) had the highest level of development of speed qualities, while the volleyball (76.4±0.57 cm) and basketball players (73.6±0.92 cm) had the highest level of development of speed-strength qualities.
In parallel with the substantiation of the quantitative characteristics, we conducted a comparative analysis of the speed and speed-strength qualities of the players specializing in various sports games at the stages of sport mastery excellence from III category to Masters of Sport. The findings confirmed the authors' data on the close correlation between the growth of sport skills in team sports and the improvement of the players' speed and speed-strength qualities. At the same time, skills enhancement was accompanied by a significant increase in the speed and speed-strength rates. It is recommended that the data obtained be used to control the amount of training tools used in the course of the players' advanced training.

Keywords: speed, correlation, preparedness, speed-strength qualities, sports games.


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