Comparison of training process and competitive activity characteristics in elite biathletes in different seasons


N.V. Adodin1
P.E. Myakinchenko1
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow

Objective of the study was to compare separate indicators of training loads performed by the Russian national team during two adjacent training and competitive seasons characterized by different performance rates.
Methods and structure of research. The loads were registered on a daily basis by the same experienced staff using standard techniques. The training and competitive loads were compared based on the data obtained in the female biathletes.
Results of the study. The comparative analysis of the specifics of training loads performed by the women's biathlon national team for two consecutive years revealed that improvement of athletic performance in the key competitive exercise (biathlon sprint) can be accompanied by a decrease in the total volume of running and other types of training loads, but provided that their structure will change.
Conclusions. The findings obtained indicate that a "successful year" is characterized by the best results in terms of most components of competitive activity. At the same time, the main changes in the volumes and structure of training loads were as follows: a decrease in all volumes of load, especially power load, an increase in the share of intensive means used in the competitive period, while there were no significant changes in shooting training.

Keywords: training loads, endurance, strength.


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