Healthy longevity as new meta-subject area of interdisciplinary research in theory and practice of physical education sector


Dr.Sc. Phil, Associate Professor A.P. Maltseva1
PhD, Associate Professor N.M. Kasatkina1
Dr.Sc.Cult., Professor A.Yu. Tikhonova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to substantiate the need to raise the theory and practice of physical education focused on the improvement of healthy longevity to the meta-subject/ interdisciplinary level.
Methods and structure of the study. Definition of the concepts "physical education" and "healthy longevity"; analysis of the articles by the foreign and domestic authors devoted to the phenomenon of healthy longevity published over the past 20 years; determination of the range of the most important and most cited publications based on the results of the most significant researches in the academic fields related to the problems of aging, mortality, life expectancy and longevity.
Results of the study. The analysis of the most significant longevity-related publications revealed that this topic is of interest to representatives of psychology, gerontology, medicine, sociology, political and cultural sciences. The publications of the domestic and foreign authors devoted to the phenomenon of healthy longevity were found to contain the following scientific prospects for addressing the problem: medical, sociological, psychological, politological, philosophical, pedagogical, cultural, gerontological, genetic, physiological, as well as combinations of these approaches. As follows from the literature analysis, over the past decade, there has been a growing trend among explorers of the phenomenon of healthy longevity towards rising to the interdisciplinary level.
Conclusion. The study of healthy longevity can become a special direction in the theory and practice of physical education, a new branch of knowledge that combines the empirical data obtained by the representatives of natural and socio-humanistic sciences.

Keywords: theory and practice of physical education, healthy longevity, meta-subject approach to longevity, interdisciplinary research on longevity, new research area..


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