Interaction with support and bar in classic jerk in weightlifting



Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Shalmanov1
PhD, Professor V.F. Skotnikov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the peculiarities of interaction with the support and bar in classic weightlifting.
Methods and structure of the study. For the purposes of the study, we used the method of biomechanical control over the technical fitness and speed-strength abilities of weightlifters of the State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Education - 2012. The bilateral video captures were used to profile the weight movement trajectory at the ends of the grip, compute the kinematic and dynamic pressure center coordinates and bar rotation relative to the vertical and sagittal axes passing through the bar pressure center. The experiment involved 12 weightlifters studying at the Moscow Olympic Reserve School No. 2. The average body weight equaled 69.9±16.1 kg, average body length - 1.68±0.1 m, mean age - 17.2±1 years. The athletes' qualification varied from Class I to MS. The athletes performed clean and jerk with a weight of 85-95% of the maximum result in this exercise. The average result in this exercise amounted to 102.2±23.1 kg.
Results and conclusions. We determined the duration of the main phases in the clean and jerk exercise and its correlation with the performance result by calculating the boundary moments of movement phases in a new way. Based on the support reaction force, we identified additional informative dynamic indicators of technical fitness and speed-strength abilities of the athletes. The values of the absolute and relative vertical component of the support reaction force were significantly higher than the forces applied to lift weights in all movement phases. The changes in the coordinates of center of pressure in the clean and jerk exercise were common to all athletes. It was the rates of movement of the center of pressure in the main exercise phases that differed. The highest rates of movement of the center of pressure were registered in the pre-acceleration and transition phases.

Keywords: athletic technique, phase composition of exercises, bilateral video captures, dynamometry, biomechanics of weightlifting exercises.


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