Athletes’ coordinating abilities as basis for ski technique



L.N. Smolyakova1
PhD S.S. Gorbunov1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to identify and substantiate the leading forms of manifestation of cross-country skiers’ coordinating abilities based on the comparison with the key elements of ski techniques.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the Children and Youth Sport School and Olympic Reserve School "Start" of Tchaikovsky town and involved the 12-14 year-old cross-country skiers. We assessed the subjects’ technical fitness level and the level of development of their coordinating abilities. The leading forms of manifestation of the cross-country skiers’ coordinating abilities were identified using a questionnaire, which involved 12 coaches in the cross-country skiing sport.
Results of the study. When processing the results of the questionnaire survey, the coaches singled out the most important forms of manifestation of coordinating abilities in the racing skiers. The data obtained suggest that the level of development of coordinating abilities significantly affects athletes’ technical fitness level, which ensure fewer errors when performing different elements of ski techniques.
The quality of execution of each technical element depends on the level of development of certain forms of manifestation of coordinating abilities (individually or in combination). Given this, we made an attempt to correlate the leading forms of manifestation of coordinating abilities with the key elements of ski techniques.
Having identified the most important forms of manifestation of coordinating abilities and having analyzed the dependence of the technical fitness level on the racing skiers’ coordinating abilities, we got an opportunity to correlate the most important forms of manifestation of coordinating abilities with the key elements of ski techniques.
This proves that the quality of execution of the key elements of ski techniques directly correlates with the level of development of the athletes’ coordinating abilities.

Keywords: cross-country skiers, forms of manifestation of coordinating abilities, key elements of ski techniques.


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