Efficiency of pedagogical control of training and competitive activity of kurash wrestlers


PhD, Associate Professor B.K. Yerimbetov
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Nukus, Uzbekistan

Keywords: wrestling, Kurash, sport, sports training, testing results, control of the training process.

The pedagogical experiment proved the effectiveness of the experimental training program, which took into account the following main provisions: the training of kurashists should be managed on the basis of individual model characteristics of preparedness, which are built on the basis of analysis of physical fitness testing data, expert evaluation of technical and tactical skills and analysis of competitive activities of qualified kurashists.


  1. Yerimbetov B. K. Yesh korsching jismoniy ciftleri VA ularning of physiologic asociati [Physical qualities of young wrestlers and their physiological characteristics] // Ilim m IMIE [Knowledge]. - Nɵkis: NMPI, 2016. - № 2. - C. 91-92.