Visual-motor reaction indices versus game performance of basketball players



Dr.Hab., Professor B.E. Losin1
M.N. Larionova2
I.V. Bobrov2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to identify the role of visual-motor reaction in game activity of basketball players of different sexes, ages, and qualifications.
Methods and structure of the study. In recent years, basketball has changed significantly - the speed of the game has increased and so basketball players have less time to make decisions. It is clear that there is a need to conduct a scientific analysis and special study, which would make it possible to assess the degree of influence of visual-motor reaction on the effectiveness of competitive activity of basketball players of various qualifications, positions, age, and gender.
The study involved more than 180 basketball players. We assessed the level of development of visual-motor reaction in their arms and legs, and determined the main game indicators during the competitive activity. Based on the game indicators, we calculated an integral indicator - the coefficient of efficiency of game actions of basketball players.
Results and conclusions. The study enabled to determine the degree of influence of visual-motor reaction on the effectiveness of game activity of basketball players of different sexes and qualifications is revealed.
The conducted study made it possible to establish how the time of visual-motor reaction in the arms and legs affect the effectiveness of various indicators of game activity of basketball players of different sexes, ages and qualifications.

Keywords: game positions, game performance, visual-motor reaction indices, basketball players of various skill levels.


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