Socio-economic factors to influence international success of soviet national ice hockey team in the 70s of ХХ century



PhD A.V. Titovskiy1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Vyprikov1
PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Goryunova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to establish the dependence of international success of the Soviet (USSR) national ice hockey team in the period from 1970 to 1979 from the socio-economic factors.
Methods and structure of the study. For the study purposes we used a point system considering the number of medals won by the USSR national team at the world ice hockey championships for 10 years from 1970 to 1979. Also, the method of correlation analysis was applied. The national team’s success was rated in points based on the medals won each year and was determined by establishing its dependence on the main socio-economic factors, such as relative GDP growth per capita in the USSR by years (%),relative increase in the level of urbanization by years (%), and relative population growth by year (%) over the same period.
Results of the study and conclusions. We detected a positive correlation between the success rate of the Soviet national team and relative increase in the level of urbanization of the country, while there was no indication of the growth of per capita income and increasing number of inhabitants. However, as the authors note, in sports, not everything depends on the socio-economic indicators of the country's development, its natural and geographical conditions, and population. Considerable contribution, especially in the socialist USSR, was made by the state support, funding programs, mass participants and enthusiasts, popularization of outstanding athletes; personal factors of both a coach and a player can sharply increase interest in any sport.

Keywords: ice hockey, USSR national team, socio-economic factors, international success.


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