Models for development and management of physical education and mass sport system using infrastructure of recreational, park and other leisure areas



Dr.Sc. Psych, Associate Professor V.B. Myakonkov1
Dr.Sc.Soc., Professor S.I. Rosenko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to design models of development and management of the system of physical education and mass sports activities of the population based on the regional characteristics of sports infrastructure of recreational, park and other leisure areas.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the scientific work, we conducted a questionnaire survey of the heads of the regional and municipal bodies of management in the field of physical culture and sport aimed to find out how various types of urban and recreational infrastructure facilities adapted for physical education and sports activities are used. The data on 202 objects from 18 entities of the Russian Federation representing 4 climatic zones were analyzed. The characteristics of various types of objects included such parameters as their size, throughput, actual workload, personnel, financial costs, enabling to evaluate the efficiency of their exploitation.
Results of the study and conclusions. The authors of the article divided the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into three main groups and determined the vector of development of the system physical education and mass sports activities in each of them.
The developed models are an instrument for the development and management of the system of physical education and mass sports activities of the population, which should be based on the regional characteristics of the adapted infrastructure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in recreation, park and other leisure areas.

Keywords: mass sport, management and development model, recreation area, sports infrastructure, physical education.


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