Conceptual foundations of motivating subjects for sports and recreational activities



PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Elmurzaev1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Panchenko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Novikova1
1Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze the conceptual foundations of motivation for sports and recreational activities from the perspective of theoretical and empirical approaches.
Methods and structure of the study. The methodological base of the study was built on the basis of theoretical and empirical approaches based on a comparative analysis of the practice of organization of sports and recreational activities.
Results of the study and conclusions. While clarifying particular theoretical aspects of motivation the authors found that motivation for recreational activities should be studied at different levels of human organization - biological, psychological and social.
A brief analysis of the results of empirical studies of the motivation for sports and recreational activities showed that this problem is studied mainly at the structural and functional levels: motives of different degrees of manifestation are distinguished among representatives of different social groups. According to the authors, empirical studies lack a "purely" psychological approach to the problem, namely a qualitative analysis of subjects’ motives for sports and recreational activities.
The authors conclude that realization by the subject of own motivational-value orientations during sports and recreational activities is determined by the level of his/ her health, social wellbeing and the degree of satisfaction with life as the most important socio-psychological qualities of the individual.

Keywords: motivation, sports and recreational activities, motivational-value orientations of personality.


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