Potential of students' physical conditions in terms of GTO complex: retrospective and forecast analysis



Applicant A.V. Bolotov1
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.P. Kobyakov1
1Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

Objective of the study was to rate the level of development of physical condition of students and give practical recommendations on the content of university physical education process in the context of the GTO Complex.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, we monitored the physical condition of 236 male students, citizens of the Russian Federation, aged 18-19 years, who had been attributed to the main and preparatory health groups according to the GTO test results. At the second stage - a comparative analysis of the regulatory requirements of Stage IV (1972) and Stage VI (2014) GTO Complex and the State program on physical education (2012).
Based on the results of study of physical condition of the male group, we carried out a logical and content analysis as required by the GTO Complexes in 1972 and 2014, as well as matched the identity of the regulatory requirements of the new GTO Complex and qualifying standards of the State program on physical education.
The subjects’ physical fitness level at its minimal level (Bronze GTO Badge) was rated using 4 types of tests.
Results of the study and conclusions. The lowest physical fitness rats were registered in the endurance running test, so the authors proposed to adjust the contents of physical training in educational institutions at all levels taking into account this condition. Besides, the authors propose that the regulatory requirements of the GTO Complex be based on a single methodological basis in all types of tests, with the main basis being the law of normal distribution, i.e. a sigmoid scale.

Keywords: students, monitoring, physical condition, GTO complex, State physical education program.


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