Differences in young people’s motivation for traditional and alternative types of gymnastics practices


PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Polyushkevich1
PhD, Associate Professor P.S. Medvedev2
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
2Tyumen industrial University, Tyumen

Keywords: sports gymnastics, Tibetan gymnastics, motivation, sport, youth.

Introduction. The study of the motives of youth practicing sports is important for the professional sports development, for the sports movement development in the country, for the formation of conditions for personal self-realization.
The purpose of the study is to show specific differences in the structure of motivation of young people in artisticgymnastics and Tibetan gymnastics based on the sociological research results
Research methodology and organization. The study involved 640 young people aged 16 to 30, among whom 52% females and 48% males who were involved in artisticgymnastics or Tibetan gymnastics from three to ten years.
The study took place in 2019 in the form of a questionnaire survey, which included the methodology “Studying the motives for practicing sports” and the test questionnaire “Scale for assessing the need for achievement”. A quota sample type was used. The selection of quotas was carried out according to the type of sport (artisticgymnastics and Tibetan gymnastics) and the number of years of practicing sports.
The survey involved respondents living in the cities of Western and Eastern Siberia (Irkutsk, Tumen, Krasnoiarsk, Novosibirsk), as well as the Far East (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-na-Amure). The data array was processed using the SPSS package. Various nonparametric tests were used for statistical analysis [2].
Research results and their discussion. An analysis of the survey results showed that older cohorts of youth are involved in Tibetan gymnastics, if to compare withartistic gymnastics. This indicates a more deliberate choice of this direction. As a rule, peoplestartpracticingartistic gymnastics from childhood, and the role of family traditions is often great.
The analysis of the average indicators and the H-criterion showed that the internal motive and the cognition motive are most pronounced in the group of respondents who practice Tibetan gymnastics, while in the artistic gymnastics group such motives as external, social and approval are most pronounced.
The significance of the motives for practicing various types of gymnastics was revealed using the Shapiro-Wilks test and Student’s t-test for independent samples. Significant differences were observed for the motives of “learning new things” (U=644.00, p=0.0624) and “material and social values and benefits” (t=2.4552, p=0.0021), the motive “group orientation”(U=656.60, p=0.0580).
The test questionnaire included in the questionnaire made it possible to highlight the level of need for achievements in the groups under consideration. In the artistic gymnastics group: high level of achievement motivation in 48% of young people, average level in 35% and low level in 17%. In the Tibetan gymnastics group: high level of achievement motivation in 14% of young people, average level in 71% and low level in 15%. The results obtained correlate with the data of other studies on the conditions and forms of socialization in sports [1].
Conclusions. The study results have empirically demonstrated that for young people involved in artistic and Tibetan gymnastics, different motives for training are relevant. In the first case, external conditions are important – victories in competitions, the desire for future professional activities in sports, etc. In the second, internal motives and criteria play an important role – obtaining internal balance, concentration, worldview and philosophical understanding of the exercises performed.


  1. Sopov V. F. Model of the system organization of psychological support for athletes ' training / V. F. Sopov // Psychological support of athletes ' training. - L., 1987. - P. 5-14.