Comparative analysis of cycle work tests in closed power loop and «to muscular failure»



PhD, Professor V.A. Vishnevsky1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Apokin1
PhD, Professor V.A. Grigoryev1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to perform a comparative analysis of two cycle work tests in the closed power loop: involving the upper and lower limbs.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 18±1.07 year-old students (n=36, including 21 young males and 15 females), who were subjected to four batteries of tests. The first battery included a closed power loop cycle work test performed on the TechnoGym cycle ergometer with the load increased and decreased in 15W steps, each step taking 1 minute. In the second battery, similar workload was performed with the help of the upper limbs: 30W - for the young males, 15W - for the females. In the next two batteries of tests, 15W workload was performed "to failure", first - with the help of the lower limbs, then - with the help of the upper ones. The subjects' heart rate was recorded after each load step using the Polar cardio tester. The hysteresis loop generated by the test was analyzed by the author's software.
Results of the study and conclusions. The key parameters of the hysteresis loop in the upper-limb cycle work in the closed power loop were significantly higher than those in the lower-limb one. At the same time, when performing the workload with the upper limbs only, the females used most of their functional reserves and their α angle increased. Yet, there was less intensive internal work (Ѕ) and faster recovery (β). All the baseline values of the hysteresis loop are greatly associated with the pulse debt. The upper-limb cycle work was characterized by the lower power and failure pulse rates, but a greater pulse cost. The females were found to have a lower failure rate, "failure" HR similar to that in the young males, and a higher pulse cost. The failure rate per unit of musculoskeletal cross-section is generally higher for the upper limbs. At the same time, when working with the lower limbs, the females were inferior to the young males in terms of this indicator and almost caught up with them when performing the test with their upper limbs. The greatest number of correlations between the hysteresis loop parameters was associated with such indicators of the probe "to failure" as failure rate, pulse cost, and failure rate per unit of the musculoskeletal cross-section of the upper and lower limbs.

Keywords: cycle work test in closed power loop; work "to failure".


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