Educational technology to develop personal physical culture in rural elementary students



Associate Professor O.N. Alaverdova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Kolinenko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.M. Gumovskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Malygina1
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk

Objective of the study was to increase the level of personal physical culture of the rural 1-3-formers in the course of extracurricular physical education activities. The article is devoted to the structure of the developed educational technology and its experimental substantiation. Therefore, the research problems concerned: justification of the need to increase the level of personal physical culture of the 7-9 year-old rural students; development of the technology of formation of their personal physical culture by means of additional forms of physical education used in rural schools; assessment of the effectiveness of the developed technology. A consistent set of methodological impacts solves the problem of increasing the level of psychophysical abilities of the children based on the level of their adaptation to the school learning environment. The results of the analysis of psychophysical indicators of the children testified to a significant advantage in the physical development and physical fitness dynamics of the Experimental Group subjects.

Keywords: technology, formation, personal physical culture, universal learning skills.


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