Key directions of modern health and fitness activities of preschoolers



PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova1
A.I. Kaldina1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to identify the principal directions of modern health and fitness activities of preschoolers. The analysis of modern wellness programs for preschoolers enabled the authors to identify the most popular and relevant areas, namely: "Sa-Fee-Dance" dance and game-based gymnastics, "Rhythmic Mosaic" rhythmic plastic program, "Game Stretching", "Fitness Dance" therapeutic dance program, "Motor Game Training", "Creative Gymnastics", "Dancing on the Balls" fitball aerobics program.
The article presents the data obtained during the questionnaire survey of the physical education teachers, who use various wellness programs in their work with preschoolers.
Proceeding from the findings, the authors conclude that wellness programs are aimed to improve certain aspects of children’s physical fitness and suggest the use of a limited, narrowly focused range of tools and methods which can be used during physical education classes in preschool institutions both throughout the entire lesson or in some parts of it in order to solve particular problems.

Keywords: health and fitness activities, preschoolers, health, fitness aerobics.


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