Physical exercises to normalize movements in children diagnosed with spastic diplegia



Dr.Hab., Professor G.A. Gilev1. 2
S.V. Yalovenko1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.I. Chernov2
Associate Professor I.L. Drallo3
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
3Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to substantiation, by means of obtaining empirical data, of the practicability of using physical exercises in water coupled with those on land performed by the 6-7 year-old children diagnosed with cerebral palsy in the form of spastic diplegia.
Physical exercises on land were performed with a focus on the development of motility of relatively small muscle groups in the children; in water – with a focus on the expansion of their motor skills and coordination abilities. During the children’s adaptation to the aquatic environment and upon its completion, their desire to exercise in the pool increased, along with improved emotional state.
The results obtained at the end of the educational experiment indicate improved stability in the performance of motor actions and their coordination both in water and on land. The progress in motor skills including the targeted movements performed by the children was statistically significant during the educational experiment.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, hydrorehabilitation, physical therapy.


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