Physical education in system of determinants of health-protecting behavior



PhD T.G. Efremova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor Т.А. Stepanova1
1Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

The article is devoted to the problem of using the potential of physical education as a necessary component of health-protecting activity. We analyzed the components of readiness of various social groups for health-protecting activity: students as the most rapidly developing and active population stratum, who largely determine the state of public health in the near future (students of universities and colleges of the Rostov region); representatives of professions aimed to protect health as the principal direction of professional activity, who determine the current state of public health (doctors and medical nurses of municipal health institutions of the city of Shakhty, Rostov region); individuals making active efforts to maintain and strengthen their health by improving their physical condition (physical education teachers and trainers of various sports specializations in children and youth sports schools of the Rostov region; clients of fitness clubs and sports and fitness centers).
The analysis of the results of study enabled to make the following generalizations.
The formation of health-protecting competences should consist in studying constructive ways to regulate physical and mental state, spirits, and positive self-development in the context of professionally significant, personal, social aspects of life.
Practical skills should be based on a sound knowledge base and supported by adequate motivational attitudes.
An essential prerequisite for and component of practical health-protecting activity is the existence of appropriate conditions and opportunities in a spatial and professional environment, integration of efforts of all the state and social institutions. Only by adhering to these aspects we can predict the conformity of the declared ideas about health and real mechanisms for their implementation, as well as the formation of the value of health-protecting behavior.

Keywords: health factors, physical education, health-protection, motor activity.


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