Perception of Future in Physical Education and Sports Process: Problems and Prospects



PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Yakovlev1
Dr.Hab., Professor Е.Р. Vrublevskiy2, 3
PhD, Associate Professor V.I. Stadnik1
A.A. Kravchenin1
Master M.A. Yakovleva4
Master student N.A. Glushenko5
1Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus
2Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
3Zelenogur University, Zelenaya Gora, Poland
4Smolensk State University, Smolensk
5Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

Objective of the study was to identify psychological and pedagogical features of perception of the future in adolescents during their physical education and sports activities.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the 17-20 year-old full-time students of Smolensk Academy of Professional Education (Regional State Budget Professional Educational Institution SmolAPE), who were engaged in various sports (n=47). Creativity as a personality trait was tested in the 15-16 year-old male (n=18) and female (n=17) schoolchildren (tenth-graders) of Smolensk, who were engaged in team sports.
Results of the study. We determined the overall level of meaning in life, total life satisfaction and irrational attitudes of university students, as well as the correlation between the scales of irrational attitudes and levels of life satisfaction index.
Conclusion. The study showed that in the 10th grade, it was the hyperthymic type of accentuation of personality traits that prevailed in the students (34%). 23% of sporting school graduates belonged to the cyclothymic type of accentuation, and 20% - to the emotive one.

Keywords: irrational, creativity, physical culture and sports activities, character, adolescents.


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