Subjectivity in Physical Education as Condition for Preserving Human Identity



PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Byankina1
Dr.Sc.Philos., Professor M.A. Manikovskaya2
1Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk
2Pacific State University, Khabarovsk

Objective of the study. The cross-idea of this article is to make subjectivity in physical culture theoretically and methodologically legitimate since it is a necessary condition for maintaining personal integrity and identity.
Structure and methods of the study. Due to its unique ability to harmonize spiritual and physical, physical education is entirely focused on the solution of the problem of formation of social and cultural identity of a person. Paradigmatic searches open the prospect of analytics of physical education as such a way of human life, which is carried out in three interdependent forms: existential, symbolic and institutional. This theoretical and methodological move enables to activate the potential of physical culture, which, as a rule, is meant, but is either on the periphery of researchers’ attention or remains beyond the scope of scientific reflection.
Results. The authors note that the indispensable creative potential of physical culture can be fully realized only if there is optimal physical activity, an extensive system of special social institutions. These include not only educational institutions, but also social institutions that perform the functions of management, planning, financing, and information support.
Conclusion. The subjectivity of physical education, which is successfully carried out in all its forms, is able to form not only personal identity, but also the nation, as demonstrated by the experience of vivid sporting events.

Keywords: subjectivity, physical education, existential, symbolic and institutional forms.


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