Biomedical Means of Rehabilitation of Kettlebell Lifters Diagnosed with Lumbar Spine Discomfort



PhD G.K. Khomyakov1
PhD, Professor A.A. Akhmatgatin1
A.V. Demchik2
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk
2Military Medical Academy n.a. S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to consider biomedical means of rehabilitation of kettlebell lifters diagnosed with lumbar spine discomfort.
Structure and methods of the study. Kettlebell jerk is the most traumatic exercise for the spine in kettlebell lifting. It consists of five parts: initial position, preliminary squat, pushing up off the chest, second squat and after fixation - lowering of the kettlebell on the chest. In modern jerk technique, simultaneously with the knee extension, the strength of the back extensors is actively used, which is similar to the spring stretching and compression by the mechanism of work. Within the strictly regulated time, while performing the 10-min competitive exercise, athletes repeat the technical movements multiple times. Weakly developed muscles of the lumbar spine, violations of the technique of execution of lead-up exercises and competitive movements often lead to discomfort in the lumbar spine; heavy feeling; inconvenience when fixing the kettlebell overhead.
Results of the study. Timely intervention of a coach and sports medicine doctor in order to eliminate discomfort serves as a health-saving technology in the educational process. An integrated approach to rehabilitation includes "stretching" of the spine muscles, elimination of the signs of inflammation in them, application of body conditioning exercises. "Stretching" of the spine muscles is carried out on a decompression bed. Inflammation is reduced by means of physiotherapy with the use of the "Magniter" device, vacuum therapy, massage of painful areas, timely inclusion of therapeutic physical practices.
Conclusion. The methodological recommendation on the training process is to reduce the volume and intensity of physical loads by 40-50% for the entire rehabilitation period, with a subsequent increase in the level of physical activity.

Keywords: kettlebell lifting, rehabilitation, "stretching" of spine muscles.


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